Fishing Forum

Full Version: Don't know where to post this, so...
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I'll post it here and hope it gets to whoever it should.

Would you PLEASE have whoever writes the Daily Fish Fact use a dictionary?

Today's "fact" has the phrase "...people wreak of fish..." That makes me absolutely cringe. The word sought is "reek." The word "wreak" means something totally different.
I moved you post to the Off Topic board but I also posted your concern on the Main mod board.
You an' me iz kinda alike. Grammactical errorz sorter makes me nuts. Now, mind ya ah sure as he-- aint no jenious but mah teechur drilt at kinda stuff inta mah haid away back in the thurd graid.
Gotta love the English language and all the different connotations available.

Ie: he reeked of fish therefore he wreaked havoc...[laugh]
Proof reeders kneeded!
Their, there, they're it will be okay....
I guess this site is more about catching fish and less about spellin