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Full Version: Whitefish on the Weber?
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I really want to load up my smoker with some Whitefish. The last whitefish I caught was on the weber river and I somehow managed to catch it with a spinner.

I know that flies are better for them, so how should I go about this? What type of river features hold more whitefish? Are they really mostly a bottom feeder?

Are there more on the Weber or the provo? Is the middle weeb or the lower weeb better for whitefish?

It is amazing to me that something so ugly tastes SO GOOD!
The Weber by far has more White Fish, bottom bounce BH Prince nymph off the bottom and you be up to your knees in white fish.
let me know when you wanna go, i know a few places where ive had 20+ white days
Try a Black Zebra midge in currents off the bottom (an indicator is very helpful) they can spit it out quickly
Fish the deep holes between Morgan and Echo. Most nymphs will do good this time of year. Use a beaded nymph and a couple sinkers to get it right on the bottom. I like to use a beaded head nymph as an attractor, and a smaller fly about eight inches off of that one.

Here are just a few favorites:
Hare's Ear
Pheasant Tail
Prince Nymph
Copper John
Zebra Midge
As soon as the water clears up. You will catch them in deeper holes using midges or all types.

My rig typically is a 5ft leader with a small slip shot 6-8 inches above a copper john or prince (I catch browns on this one) 6-8 above a small midge (WD40's, rainbow warrior, zebra midges), small scud, or in the winter an egg pattern.

Use a thingy-mo-bob as the indicator.

Be prepared to fight the whitey's for a bit. They like to put on a little fight. It's common to catch 9-10 fish out of a good hole.

I would fish Morgan right by the high school, but I have caught them as far up as Kamas on the Weeb.

They are very fun, because they can be caught anytime of day.

Good Luck
I don't know. The area below Echo has always been productive for me but not this year. I agree with most of the tactics mentioned,I use a prince as you know. This year, I've only caught 2 whites. I'm wondering if the water being high and very muddy has something to do with it? As for myself, I'm thinking clearing water (if possible) and lower flows. I think maybe [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=theridgerider"]theridgerider[/url] might have been alluding to that.
[quote Leaky33] I don't know. The area below Echo has always been productive for me but not this year. I agree with most of the tactics mentioned,I use a prince as you know. This year, I've only caught 2 whites. I'm wondering if the water being high and very muddy has something to do with it? As for myself, I'm thinking clearing water (if possible) and lower flows. I think maybe [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=theridgerider"]theridgerider[/url] might have been alluding to that.[/quote]

Didn't think I would get a response from the weber addict.

Anyway I think the issue is whitefish are not fans of waxies![Wink] You know cuz of the white color it adds to prince nymphs!!!![laugh]
Ha ha ha [laugh]
If you fish the frontage road right before you go up the canyon from 89 there are tons of whites in that stretch.... Any small nymphs will do but seem to catch the most on sow bugs size 16 and smaller
I'm surprised! Hope you're funning. You're sooooooooooo wrong. Over the many previous years, if I wanted Whites I tipped my nymph, any nymph, scud, etc. with waxies and caught all I wanted.
P.S. Haven't used waxies at all for a while now.