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Full Version: There's snow in them thar hills
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Had to travel through Wyoming today. Looked south to the Unitas and saw that they are now covered in snow. Woohoo, WATER!!!
2-3 more weeks till utah will start snowboarding and skiing in the mountains [Tongue]
Yeah, and I'm so happy I could just sh--.
Hopefully 5 or 6 more weeks. I still have some Camping / Fishing trips planned.
Good luck because snow starts falling around October 6th ish every year where I live . [laugh]
[quote Flyfishinglover]Good luck because snow starts falling around October 6th ish every year where I live . [laugh][/quote]

Maybe FG is not camping and fishing where you live.
Time to reset the "ski-o-dometer"!

Come on ice fishin, I am ready for ya!!!!!!!![fishin]

Supposedly Alta will get 1-3 inches Wednesday. I used to ski the snow covered rocks but now I am cautious due to the old knee injury. [frown]