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Oh! What a relief it is.
It is hard to believe it was just a week ago that tropical storm Manuel was bearing down on us. It huffed and puffed and threatened to blow our house down but then turned East. We experienced one day of pounding surf and the Sea of Cortez has been like a pond ever since.

The storm never slowed down tuna, marlin, sailfish, dorado or wahoo. It is a skippers dream to depart in the morning day after day knowing the day will be action packed. The spectacular fishing has been going on for some time and anglers are going away with big Smiles and life long memories.

Back in late July I asked readers to tell me why. The question was if you aren't getting ready to go fishing or just returning why? That was because the bite was unbelievable and I'm here to tell you it is still full speed.

[Image: 924131.jpg]
Sashimi time

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Marlin Azul

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Mahi mahi

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Striped marlin

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Ceviche time

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This was a white sand beach before the pounding surf from Hurricane Manuel

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After Manuel

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I had the day off yesterday

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841