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If y'all are like me then you love it when people post pictures of nice fish they have caught. Just thought I would join in on the fun and post a few summer highlights. One is a 2 ft rainbow, sorry the picture turned out horrible. One is my first mountain whitefish from the Provo river, and one is a chunky cut bow my brother in law caught. There are also a few others just for good measure. All fish were either caught on the fly rod or casting lures. Hope you enjoy.
Looks like you had a great summer. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Looks like a fun summer indeed. Those are some beefy spotty fishes. That Cut is GIRTHY - word!

Thanks for posting up. Got a favorite fly? I just got a new reel, and have some river spots that are begging for some attention.
Nice catches! You've got me wondering where you were...

That cutt is beautiful. What makes you say it's a cuttbow? Just wondering..
Me too. It looks like a Yellowstone.......Idaho?
Good call, the cutt was caught near Georgetown Idaho. The lake we were fishing has some stocked rainbows and some wild cutts, the fish looked different then the others so we assumed that is was a hybrid of some sort. We weren't too scientific with our reasoning. I will conclude that it was a Yellowstone cutt, thanks for the expertise.