10-02-2013, 09:00 AM
Hit the water with my brother at around 7 p.m., ran around a tiny bit and then headed to my most productive spot at night only to find that the lights were dead. Literally. The place I found that was always fun and productive had a nice big light on the water, which made my job of attracting more fish with my little underwater light that much easier.<br /><br />Decided to give it a go anyway. Caught a couple small ones, watched my brother miss a couple, then finally caught another one or two and he did, too. Decided it wasn&#39;t working so we&#39;d move.<br /><br />Decided to go under the Wolftever bridge. Strangely there was not a soul around. Dropped the light in, and a couple hours later, we had a couple more babies to show for it. That&#39;s right. Caught about 10 fish total, only one barely legal keeper, and headed home.<br /><br />While the fishing was relatively crappy, it&#39;s always good to be on the water on a beautiful night, talking with my brother.<br /><br />So, there you have it. <br /><br />Now I&#39;ve just gotta figure out how to fish the cooler weather without help from lights. Hahahaha<br /><br />Oh yeah - also saw that comet or whatever it was that fell through the sky. It looked awesome! Green and...well...yeah, it was awesome. We thought it was a firework at first, but when no others followed it, we figured it was something more exciting.