Fishing Forum

Full Version: basser#9, chick, bass, 9/28/13,cff #10 lipripper
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our morning started out like it has been in the past, SLOWWWWW!!!!. we started off fishing a long point with cranks/plastics/ and top water,but nothing happening there. made a move to a long bank covered with a'lot of wood and chunk rock with water 13-15 ft close by to deep water, had a few bites there but nothing in the boat. made our third move and still fishing plastics, basically same structure as move #2. ol'e lipripper makes a cast by a stickup and sets the hook and yells for the net, as the air show begins with our first and only keeper a smallie #3.23. that would give us the big smallie pot. made two more moves with only one more keeper spot that got off at the boat. the net man (basser#9) wasn't on his toes today. emoBang but we had fun as always, thanks to everyone who makes these things happen. and nice talking to everyone,good luck to the classic qualifiers. emoDance