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There are a few topics I wanted to bring to the table for everyone to discuss while we're all, as fisherman, in a unique period of compulsory fishlessness. I'll present the topics that have been on my mind, feel free to spill your thoughts, opinions, predictions, etc., resulting from the shutdown.

1.) When will national parks open again?
- Estimates: The latest I've heard is that Reps and Dems might actually agree on a bill that will reopen parks while discussions about the deficit and national debt is later addressed. Without such a bill, the latest estimates I've heard are 2, possibly 3, weeks until they are reopened. (NPR, CNN, MSNBC)

2.) Willow Beach:
- Trout Stocks: I can't stop wondering about what type of effect the shutdown will have on the striper fishing conditions at Willow. I'll find out soon what is happening with the hatchery program and if they're going to continue stocks as regularly scheduled, posting my findings asap. If I had to guess, I'd say the hatchery program was deemed non-essential.
- Long-term predictions: If the program is stopped, my prediction is this:
a. Those big striper will stick around waiting curiously to be fed. Nearing 2 weeks of not being fed, they may move down river to start foraging on the more available baitfish closer to the Cottonwood Basin)
b. Overall, the striper will become more dispersed along the 67 miles of river rather than in areas most local to Willow Beach

3.) Lake Mead:
- I can't think of any major changes that will happen to Lake Mead during the shutdown, other than the skeleton crew kept around to clean and maintain might do a fabulous job at cleaning up some of the high-use areas. I'm mostly upset that the striper are boiling and I'm sitting here typing on my laptop. Damn it.

4.) Lake Mohave:
- Without fisherman dissecting coves in tournaments and leisure, I predict that the bass (smb and lmb) will receive some rest and relaxation from the usual hook-and-livewell routine--give them some time to become a bit more vulnerable and secure by letting them acclimate to their home ranges and lose a lot of angling pressure.

**Add your two cents, they're valuable (with inflation [Wink] ) This is a unique situation we're all experiencing, share your thought, predictions, and concerns
off topic a bit, but does anyone know if the six mile cove area of Mohave considered part of the LMNRA? I wouldn't think so seeing its Mohave and not Mead, but if Willow is closed it has me a bit concerned, I plan on taking a camping trip out there at the end of the month and would hate to drive all that way and have to turn around.... [fishon]
I know the six mile road area--Sadly, it is indeed part of the lmnra =/ that road bifurcates just past the ranger station. The best advice I can give for fishing is take the extra leap to Laughlin---that stretch of the river is public land. All of the outdoor outfitters (rafting/kayaking/etc) are relocating their services there for the time-being to continue making money. I was down there today--saw tons of carp and catfish, other fish are lmb, striper, bluegill, and sunfish. If you haven't been to Laughlin, it's a must--get a campground on the the river and you'll never forget it
I have paid my $ 30 bucks for my year pass , I have paid roughly $ 41 for my fishing license , plus the silly AIS ( muscle sticker) Lake mead and Mojave are open 365 in my book . Part of fishing for me is thee getting away from it all , and if your telling me i can have the lake to myself and my kayak then Giddy up Uncle Sam ! i will be on that lake at sunrise sumetime very soon . SEE U OUT THERE BOYS !
The whole situation sucks because there is nothing we can do. I'll be the first to admit the shutdown doesn't affect me one bit. Keep in mind some of the best fall fisheries are still open! lake havasu and sand hollow are awesome bass fisheries and for slimmers you got eagle valley and sunnyside. Bend over and spread your cheeks guys the situation in Washington isn't going to get better anytime soon[Wink]
LOL! beautifully put. And I'm glad to hear that bit of info, I had no idea Sand Hollow was still operating I thought it was shutdown too. I need to flock that way and have a nice Sand Hollow day before it gets too cold. Last time I went it was windy as hell and was only landing 1-2 lbers, depressing.
I was at the 33rd hole this morning and a ranger pulled up, I thought I was so busted. he asked if I knew the lake was closed I said yes, he asked to see my fishing lic I showed him he said cool and drove away. I was there another 5 hours and didn't see another ranger. As for the fishing a couple of small stripers
Good to hear there are actually a couple decent Rangers out there. Must not have been one of the rangers who pulled the docks leaving people stranded on the lake.