I was in southern highlands yesterday by the big corporate offices to take some pics for my daughters homecoming and while waiting walked over to the fence surrounding the pond there. Wow!! Saw some huge fish in a school. Due to the sun couldn't what kind. Looked like carp but swam like bass. Sucks that it's fenced off. Anyone know what kind of fish are in there.
if you know where "The Lakes" are not far from southern highlands, there are ponds in front of some of the houses. I was driving by one day and saw a kid fishing in one of them and pulled out a 2lb large mouth.
Someone dumped some fish in them. That was back in 2000, not sure if there are still some in them, but if there are, there are some big largemouths in them.
I think I know where you're talking about--is it surrounded by big trees?? Fairly well fenced off? If so, I've never been able to get in there lol
no fences at all. you can walk right up to the water edge...
Is it legal to fish at a place like this? I need to find out where this place is and check it out.