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Full Version: A Weekend in the Motherland (Idaho)
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I don't post many reports anymore being as I'm now an out-of-stater so I don't often have reports from Idaho. However, I spent this weekend back in the motherland and had a blast! Caught lots of fish, saw some family, caught some more fish! Didn't sleep much though...
I'd give you one of my long-winded detailed stories, but I think for your sakes this time I'll just show you some pictures.

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Did I mention that I REALLY like Idaho??
Very nice! Oh yea, Welcome home.

This is the kind of report I REALLY like. Cool photo's, and yes, welcome back to Idaho.
Great report and trip. You always know all the best parts of Idaho. Congrats on some good looking fish!
Thanks for sharing a great report , nice pictures .

Oh, the beard looks a little thicker on the last one....[Smile]
[quote flygoddess]Oh, the beard looks a little thicker on the last one....[Smile][/quote]

LOL oh why thank you! [laugh][laugh][laugh]
No No, thank you for the great fish pixs.