Fishing Forum

Full Version: TNsnow, Chic, Bass, 10-15, Dad
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<br /> I called my old man on the spur of the moment this morning around 6 a.m. and told him to grab a frog and lets hit the lake. We put in at Dayton and started near the mouth with top water. Lost one around 3lbs before moving down to some grass lines near the channel. On the first "point" I caught a 12 incher on a frog by snagging it in the side (not sure how that happened).<br /> Fished a frog almost exclusively the rest of the day and wound up with 6 keepers on around 20 blow ups. The best 5 would have gone 13 lbs with most being between 2-3 lbs. Dad and I each broke one off on hook sets but I don't think either was a monster.<br /> The fish were pretty aggressive today and would hit multiple times and several hit on consecutive casts after a miss. The best areas seemed to be near the channel where the current and wind were. As always we had our best luck when the grass was "poppin'".<br /> Going back today with the daughter. She has never grass fished and I look forward to her getting her first frog fish.