Saw this today on Blackfoot Reservoir.
Quite surprised about the tag on it more so than how far it is from where ever "T" is. I have heard their range isn't particularly small.
Anyone know more about how they tag them?
I didn't investigate to close as to how it is attached or how he was wearing it. Do they wear them like a necklace? Are they really tranquilized? I never have seen an ear quite big enough to poke it through on a pelican.
Maybe they can start tying the tag off to a big log when they fasten them to the pelicans next time.
![[Image: Utah_62T1.jpg]](
Did they finally eat all of the fish in there and are slowly dieing off? lol
pelicans are an invasive species
Why did this get moved to this forum and done so without a comment from whoever moved it?
Pelicans feed on fish and have an impact on fisheries. The fishing forum has more readers which in turn would better allow someone with knowledge of how these birds are tagged to have input. I have no clue how this critter met his demise and I do not think there is a pelican season so there would be no pelican hunting. I understand that doesn't mean he didn't meet an ending from being shot but it is far more fishing related than hunting related.
I kinda have to agree with you sir. I think it
has a place where it was. If it was going to be moved, I would think the off topic would also be good. I can assure you it will get a few looks here. You might want to pm the mods and acquire with them what their logic was behind it.
I moved it to the Hunting and Shooting board because that is where it belongs imo. Just because Pelicans eat fish does not mean your post should go on a fishing board. My logic was that the guys on the hunting board would know more about tagged birds than the guys on a fishing board and even if they did not have an answer, they could give you a Email address or phone number to a game biologist that could answer your question. We do have DWR fish biologist on the fishing board but I have yet to see a game biologist there but even if they did view that board, it is likely they would not even look at your post with a title like, "This is one of yours". One of the other mods have now moved your post to our Off Topic board but if you really are interested in finding an answer to your question, I will get you a phone number or an Email address to a game biologist asap. As mods we try and do the best job we can that will help members get the best answer they can, to question that are ask. I hope you can now understand the reason your post was moved.
I have seen something similar on sandhill cranes.It looks like a tag that is attached in some loose skin that is near the elbow joint on the top of the wing. It is large enough to read from a distance with good optics. Letters like the T can represent which nesting colony it came from. The color of the tags can be changed so that each year of the study is a different color. They have had some fairly intense studies of the nesting colonies from the islands on the great salt lake. If you wold like I can probably get a little information from a friend of mine. Did you check the legs for a federal band like they put on waterfowl? gshorthair
Thanks for the feedback for sure. Curious more than anything but really puzzled when it was moved with no explanation. I have seen other topics moved but always a reason why.
Again curious more than anything. I posted because I figured someone from Fish and Game/DNR or whoever would be interested and it would make it's way back to the people who do the tagging somehow.
I hadn't thought about the different colors or nesting colonies. I just thought T was for a county but a nesting colony definitely makes more sense. I was also wondering why such a big tag, Even with many of our thoughts on pelicans it is still on a bird that is basically a flying machine and that would be annoying in the least and cumbersome if nothing else. I thought it was a strange way to mark birds. If I make it back I may check for a leg band but didn't want to poke around in it much. It was past the way nasty stage I think but pretty scary looking all the same.
As for the thread title........well, it is marked Utah, and it was found in Idaho and it's gotten plenty of views.
Thanks again for the feedback Wiperhunter, you and the other mods do a thankless job here making sure we have this place to come to.
Thanks for the info on this pelican. I talked to a biologist at IDF&G and they are part of a multi-state tagging study on pelicans to find out about migrations, where they are at different times of the year, daily patterns, etc. They were very appreciative of you taking the picture of the dead bird and tag number. If you have any more questions, you can give them a call at the Pocatello office. 208-232-4703. The person who handles that information is Becky Abel.
Thanks for the reply Scott, it seems we have a lot of fish biologist that view this site but I'm not aware of any bird biologist that view BFT, thanks for passing this info on.