Fishing Forum

Full Version: Dropshot, Nickajack Riverpark, Bass/Catfish, 10/18/2013
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<br /> Hit the riverpark first this morning trying to find some fish for the weekend. Started out with topwater and caught 6 slicks, 2 keeper spots, and a smallmouth that weighed in at 3.3. Moved down river and started throwing a creature bait. Caught 17 more fish, with 5 being of keeper size. Best five was not much, maybe 11-12 pounds.<br /> <br /> On the way back decided to stop and catch a few catfish, Best part of the morning. Caught 5 large catfish, including a few monsters on a spinning rod with 8 pound fluorocarbon. Headed back to ramp around 1 to head over to the lake and try my luck there.