Fishing Forum

Full Version: Muskrat, Chickamauga Lake, mixed bag, 10-20-13, Debbie
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I seldom fish on Sunday but we decided to look for crappie in Harrison Bay today. I'm trying to work my way to the creek in the next few days. I'm getting closer. We fished from 11:30 until 3:00 and caught 21 crappie...12 yellow bass...2 white bass...2 largemouth bass ( one tiny )...and 1 channel cat. We fished blowdowns...brushpiles...points...and followed schools of shad. We used 1/16 oz. jigs with BG, Panfish Assassin, Charlie Brewer Slider Grub jigs. We caught fish on many colors including a BG least favorite color. Deb caught a very tiny bass on a BG Ghost Baby Shad. We ran into a lot of yellow bass and 2 decent ones along with 7 crappie are now in the freezer. I think we caught 14 keeper crappie total. Water temperature was 70-72 degrees and a lot of the crappie were at or near the bottom in 12-22 feet. I got a quick cell phone pic of Deb's tiny bass as she didn't want it to die and a few other pics of our trip.