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Full Version: can u hunt in town with a bow
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Is it true u can hunt deer in town with a bow
[quote fearfish]Is it true u can hunt deer in town with a bow[/quote]

What town?
depends on the towns laws each city has different regulations on archery shooting. Even if you find out that it is legal.. you better make a good shot... If you stick a deer and it leaves your property..... things could get ugly fast... like it did in Hyde park
Do yourself a favor. Leave the city deer alone and go hunt smart backcountry high alpine mulies. Killing city deer isn't hunting, its just killing, and it puts out a terrible image on hunters. Look at SETTHEHOOKS link, those two bucks i've watched for years and it has put a very negative image for hunters in the area.
I agree whole heartedly with your comment. They aren't hunters but the non hunting crowd still associate good sporting hunters with these kind of acts. It's a shame but some people have no ethics.