Albino Oscar Wild caught[shocked] !!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 S.FL Tiger Oscars including an Albino Enjoy!
Awesome u guys my first wild caught Albino Red Tiger Oscar
[inline "a albino pic (2).JPG"]
Thats one funky looking fish.
[quote albinotrout]Thats one funky looking fish.[/quote]
Any relation?
[quote mojorizing][quote albinotrout]Thats one funky looking fish.[/quote]
Any relation?[/quote]
Nope nothing close...[:p]
Awesome looking fish!
Tiger Oscar Underwater video as well[shocked]
Thanks theangler! 3 turtles and a few fish later finally caught it!
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![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](
14:42 [/url]
[url ""]NatGeoPauly 101 Baby Oscars[/url]
Oscars gaurding their young here at the lake,largest group of baby Oscars i ever seen..
Better than National Geographic![laugh]
Everglades Oscar Fishing Compilation video
Oscars like you can't believe,these fish made an incredible come back after they all died out from the cold snap of 2010
We had the girls trolling from the back of the boat [

Krystal and Adele each tied with 39 fish each but in the end Krystal caught the biggest just as we were getting ready to go
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![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](
12:14 [/url]
[url ""]Adele - First Time at Oscars® Best Compilation 2014[/url]
[inline "oscar (4).JPG"]
2 Oscar doubles Big Cypress Everglades
Place is full of Oscars [cool]
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![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](
3:40 [/url]
[url ""]Academy Award Winners Best of 2013 - Oscars® Double![/url]
[inline "oscar double.JPG"]
How to hold an Oscar [laugh]
Tune in next week for more Oscars Gone Wild
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![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](
1:44 [/url]
[url ""]How To Hold an OSCAR®[/url]
quick video showing you how to hold an Oscar,nice one too,my biggest caught that day
Funny, made me laugh. Thanks. Those fishies are cool as heck.