Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 25 Oct 2013, Tenncrappie and Sailfish1
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I had a chance to day to repay a favor to Tenncrappie for taking me fishing in the Hiwassie last week. He brought Sailfish1 along with him for the ride today. They sure know how to pick windy, cold days to fish. emoBigSmile <br /><br />The fishing was slow, but the tour of the lake around the Harrison Bay area was great. We even took in the creek and Tenncrappie caught one of Candi's pet fish, but we let it go. We found Polo's brush pile and Tim (Sailfish) caught a red eye off it. A few small crappie came of a dock near Polo's and we caught a fish here and there around the HB area. We had to dead stick the Bobby Garland lures to get any bites and they were few and far between.<br /><br />I did such a poor job of guiding that I will have to take these guys again when the weather is a little nicer. Water temp today was 65.0. I had a great time today with both of you and I hope that you will come back and fish with us again. emoBigSmile emoGeezer