Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 23 Oct 2013, Cuonthelake
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Candi and I braved the elements this morning from 8:30 to 11:00 AM and I must say that the first hour was a very successful trip. That was when the wind was just blowing hard. When it began to whitecap then we fished for a while longer and after the bite slowed down to a stop, then we stopped too. We were dressed for the occasion. emoBigSmile <br /><br />I wanted to show Candi the new spot that Dr Phil and I located yesterday, but didn't fish because he didn't have time. It was loaded with fish yesterday and it was loaded again today.<br /><br />Candi started off with a Bobby Garland sunrise in the 1/16 oz size and was catching fish from the get go. I started with the color that I used yesterday to catch those good fish with and got behind very early in the game. She had me 10-1 and was begging me to switch to the sunrise, but I'm just a little stubborn and kept telling her that I hoped that I was behind 20-1, but I reluctantly did switch to a cajun cricket which is similar to the sunrise color. Candi told me that she was changing colors when she got to 20. <br /><br />It was getting embarrassing to be spanked like I was, but the cajun cricket began to pay off. From 10-1 to 15-2 to finally 20-7 when she took the sunrise off and put on a couple of different colors. Final score on that one spot was 23 for Candi and 17 for the old Drumking. I think that she just had compassion on me and let me nearly catch up. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Not bad for a new spot for both of us. 40 fish, 9 to 11 inches long, with 4 pull offs and 3 missed bites in about 45 minutes. We left that spot to go check others and the wind got impossible while we were gone. We never had another bite. emoBigSmile emoGeezer <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Candi and showing me that you indeed did learn your fishing lessons well. emoTeacher