Fishing Forum

Full Version: deerhunter09, Nick, LM, 10/27/13, solo
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put in at bennit lake ramp and went out to the grass flat throwing a trap just on the out side of the grass line in 5-6 fow, the 3rd cast had one slam the trap at the boat and did not have time to get the net out so i played her for a few min. and worn her down and got her to the boat and liped her on into the boat weighed her and she went 6.04 on my scales. a few cast later got another one a little over 4lbs and it went dead from there so i moved to mullens cove and in a 100 yeard strech i boated over 25 lm with a avg size of 2.5-3 lbs the wind died down to nothing the water was like glass and the trap bite was over so i moved to the bank and started throwing a jig on the 2nd cast i got a 4.13. and few yards down i came up on some rocks on the bank where there was no grass and pulled 5 more fish from that one spot with the biggest being 5.08 lost one that would have been over 7 on the next cast after releasing the 5lb. the wind started blowing again so i went back to the trap and started catching more 2-3 lbs by this time it was going on 2pm and i was getting hungry so loaded the boat and went to the house. man i hated to leave when the fish was still hitting. water temps was from 53 early to 57 when i left. all fish was relased to fight another day. best 5 was 21.35 why can't i have a day like that in a tx? it was fun