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I got this from Gorge and was ask to pass it along..
If you don't want the fishing at these other waters to go the way of Jordanelle is now please show up at the meeting..
"If I used an old group of President's, I apologize. Can you please pass this on?
The Wildlife Board meeting is November 7th. This is the meeting where the upcoming fishing regulations will be discussed and spearfishing is one of the items. I have heard that the spearfishermen will also be asking to allow spearfishing on Quail Creek, Sand Hollow, and Gunlock reservoirs. If no one shows up to say no, then they will probably get what they want. Please ask any bass angler you know to attend.
The meeting will be at the DWR offices at 1594 West North Temple. Unfortunately, the meeting starts at 9:00 am. Fishing is the first action item on the agenda.
Please, please pass this on. We need numbers at the meeting."
Cliff -- will they let you into the meeting?

If not, I'd be happy to go along with you as your escort. Just let me know what you think. I'd even drive. Maybe even dinner. (sounds kind of like a date!)

Let me know what you think.
Thanks for letting us know Cliff. I won't be able to make it but would if I could. I am still of the opinion that "The Fish Hunters" need a separate license and tag from the general fishing license.
Hmmm interesting. Guess we are going to find out what Utah really thinks about quality bass fishing.

As a new resident to the St. George area, I want to protect my bass ponds. I'll be there, man.
Well it could be kind of, one of the DWR let me know as well.. But I hope you will be their, and we could go to lunch..No date just as friends..[Wink]
We need a big turn out to stop them or they will be killing all the big bass in them..
I agree that spear fisherman shouldn't be able to go to any big bass lakes especially the ones listed. If they had the meeting on Thursday I'd drag my dead body for it but nope got work on the 7th. Good luck with proctecting the water [:/].

As well like the others propose a law that spear fisherman need to get a separate license so we know how many they are in Utah!
+1 Kevin, I agree with you on a separate tag. I am at WLC until the end of November. I wish I could go, I was able to make it to the last one.
I think you can E-mail the DwR and let them know how you fell..