11-03-2013, 10:00 AM
Ok, before I start this, I want to let everyone know a GoPro is about a must on my list now...<br /><br />Now the story....<br />I had a morning free as its been a slow week for me, so headed out on the lake to see what was happening. Spent an hour or so drifting and anchored with not even a bump. Moved locations and tried again for an hour...finally a little tap. With nothing to show I decide to try one last area before heading in. The wind was coming up which was making boat control tough but finally got positioned.<br />First 2 rods out, casting 3rd and turn to see a rod buried to the water. Really, I snag by the wind already??? Nope, a nice 54# Blue on the end! I forgot my better camera, and so started rolling video with my phone. Right as I release him, a second rod slams down hard with a 57#...wow this isnt expected. Video verified rolling, I release it quickly as last rod bends under the weight of a 36#. After its all done, I return to find my phone off. WHAT??? Worse, it totally crashed, and the card lost all of my pictures and video emoBang emoHoppingmad emoMad emoRain emoBawl <br />After I regain myself and forcing myself not to throw it in the lake, I rebait and throw back out in hopes of redemption. Dreaming of that Gopro heavy at the moment just thinking on it.<br />Few minutes later a rod bows from a 42#
This is cool but really wearing on my arms.<br />Shortly after release, another goes down that breaks off in structure before I can pull it out. Not to worry though as yet another rod dips from yet another 54#. 15 minutes passes and off runs a 47# that was totally going bonkers. Then silence...hoping for one last fish a fat little 26 munches the bait down. As Im removing the hook, a Nite Stick loads up heavy, and the heat is on. After a very heavy battle, I boat one of the best looking fish I&#39;ve caught, a really nice 75#. almost a flawless fish. My second biggest blue cat and the end to a very interesting morning on the water!<br />Most people may not beleive such a story, as even in my mind it seems to good to be true, but I&#39;m glad at least 4 of the brutes I have at least some pictures of. Very hard to get a phone to take pictures/video by yourself with so much going on.<br />Candi please ask harder for that thing! I hope if I get it someday it doesnt curse the fishing emoTongue