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Full Version: 11/2 Blacktail res
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The docks for all intents and purposes are out of the water. The water level is out past the end of the swimming dock by about 40 feet or so. The boat dock for launching just reaches the water. There were 2 or 3 boat trailers in the parking lot and I saw one boat come in while we were there. Didn't get a report from them though. Lots of dirt/mud exposed all the way to the water. Did fish for about half an hour in the wind and manage 2 decent rainbows around the 14" range. They were both in a small dock left in the water on the mud flats. Water was only about 4 ft deep there. caught it on a jig with a piece of worm. I imagine the fishing is decent right now if you have a boat to get out in and can tolerate the cold and wind.
Thx, might have to hit the ririe side before it freezes