I might be able to go to bear lake soon, but I don't know the best way to fish for them right now. Should I just wait until I see them on the fish finder then just jig for them? Also does anyone know where to get cisco as bait? Thanks
Because cisco is a game fish, it is illegal to sell them, so you will have to beg, borrow or steal some from someone who has some extras, or you could tip with sucker or other non-game fish.
Sucker and chubb meat also work well at Bear Lake. Sometimes sucker meat is better then cisco.
I was about to say the same thing. Carp and sucker work as well as Cisco.
If you're set up to troll, then that is usually the most effective way to find them, you cover more water. That being said, if you can find them on the fish finder, jigging is very effective as well. The cutts will keep hitting a jig if you miss the strike and very often they'll keep following and hitting the jig all the way up to the boat.
If your jigging, a foot or two from the bottom is best and a 3-5" tube jig in white or rainbow trout color has been best for me. Don't forget to keep it tipped with some meat though or you'll have very little luck, at least that has been my experience.
The rockpile, and Cisco beach to rainbow cove in 35-65 feet is a good bet to start your hunt for them.
Good luck!
I have some of those cisco that you can beg, borrow, or steel. I also have some tips for you but they are free. (You get what you pay for. [:p])
I have some Cisco that you are welcome too and be happy to let you borrow a few jigs as well if you need..Shoot me a pm!
If you have downriggers I can try to help you as much as possible with presentation techniques and lures. The bear is pretty awesome and be careful as it can be addicting!