Fishing Forum

Full Version: anyone have any Clearwater steelhead luck lately?
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I've stalked this forum in the past and haven't seen anyone complaining about the fishing on the Clearwater..primarily in between Lewiston and Orofino. Maybe I'm just having some bad luck..

I only bank fish (bottom bounce and float)..the past 3 years I've had no problem hooking into fish consistently from the beginning of October till Christmas. I did great through out the beginning to mid October and then things started to slow down.

My pole has seen zero fish the past 2 days..not even a bite. I thought due to the rain and the river coming back up a little I was going to seem some fish, I was wrong. Maybe I smell bad.

How has the BFT community been doing on the Clearwater this year?
this is the first year in 15 yrs I have NOT been fishing. the limit is 1 fish. and has to be hatchery and under 28 inches. WHY fish is my question?
IMO They should have just closed the fishery once they realized they had no fish returning. Stop the natives from taking fish and have NO catch and release of any kind to allow the fish to come up. People taht are fishing are catching fish BUT why? you stress them possibly kill them? I see no point. OK so I am done with my rant.
It does suck. My daughter and I do a fin feather and fur. Just no fin this year.