Sorry everybody it has been a long while since I have been on. I have been traveling for work and fishing across the north west. I have been on some pretty cool adventure's I will post pics and stories. But this one is about my big Chinook on the Wilson river on the coast of Oregon. I caught this big buck Tuesday. You are able to keep wild fish on this river. there are very few hatchery fish. there is a great population of wild fish. so this big buck is goin on the wall. anybody know of a good taxidermist??
where the picture?
That looks like a coho to me!! [

[quote pookiebar]That looks like a coho to me!! [

[laugh][laugh] LOL That there is funny! [laugh]
Ductape - I saw your fish in the other thread. Did you get a weight on it, just out of curiosity?
sorry I tried to post the pics in line but I guess that didn't work so here they are. I didn't have access to a scale but I hand scaled it some 35 lbs I have seen a 25 on the scale and this one dwarfed that one chrome junky might be able to give us a better idea that guys had caught a lot of fish
So I look like a coho, well....
His first pic didn't work so I'll take care of that for him. I'm gonna say 10 lbs give or take a few. Check his pic bellow.