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Full Version: Strato-G, Chickamauga, Mixed species, 11-9-2013, Jonathan Cooper &his dad Mr. Cooper
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Make my day:<br /><br />Had the pleasure today of making a wish come true for a challenged youngster, Jonathan Cooper from Maryville, Tn., thru C.A.S.T for Kids out of Dallas, Texas & Tennessee Bass Federation Nation.<br /> <br />Johnny Picket with TBF contacted me a few weeks ago about the possibility of fishing a young man whom had never caught a fish & it being high on his bucket list. I commented that we would make it happen. Today was the day. emoBigSmile Was on Jonathans face this AM near 8.30 as we get ready to see if can get a jerk on his line with no assistance. This becomes a challenge as Jonathan had never looked at a Bass lure, previous used bobber & worns & etc.<br /><br /> Jonathan had brought a couple outfits & lures to use plus I had a couple rigged also for him. We start out from Chickamauga Dam Ramp with temps near 40 degree & water temp near 58, cool, clear with little overcast. We started in pump station slew with no luck & moved to Booker T. slew. Casting traps & small square bills, it got a slow start with a nice crappie eating the trap. 1 in live well , yep I know, (crappie) no Bass. Few minutes later, another crappie on square bill, nice size also. A short time later it happens, Jonathan hollers out, HELP, GOT 1, its a biggun. His Zebco was a stripping & he is a cranking. I stop to assist & watch, hes got a catfish bout 3 1/2 lbs. Totally unassisted, Jonathan puts his 1st fish of a lifetime in the boat,<br /> emoAngel was on my side making wishes happen. A few pictures by his Dad and we do the hi 5s and all we are fishing again.<br /><br />Still looking for a Bass, we move across lake to another slew where I usually can connect with one occasionally. After trying a frog a minute or so, there was a bit of a jump happening and o yeah, it happens. Jonathan has a bass on the trap. A few more small Bass, no keepers, just good jerks, emoUpSmile , and happy, happy, happy.<br /><br />Trying to find a bit larger bites, we moved around to no avail. Jonathan , bout 2.30 said it was getting cold & windy so fishing was over. Back to ramp with a happy youngster & Dad. It was a great time on the water & it was my pleasure to make Jonathans wish happen emoThanks ..............Memories for all of us.............. emoGeezer emoUSA