Fishing Forum

Full Version: They stocked the Boise with steelhead anyways?
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I thought that IDFG sent out emails detailing how they were not going to stock the Boise river with steelhead this year? Well they are fishing for them on the Boise right now.
Yeah, sounds like they managed one stocking today (friday).

I'd go now and try my glow beads, but I think I'll wait until morning.

I found the article again.
Posted this in the other thread, too...

Fished barber park as they were dumping them in. Fishing was slow. Got one just at dark last night. Fished until 2 in the afternoon today and saw a few fishermen, but not even one with a fish, except the one I had on right up until I tried to beach it. Most of the fish are still in there, but I think they must be getting spread out.

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