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Full Version: last hoorah! Part 1 Lincoln Beach
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As magnificent as this weather is, it is also obvious that it won't be here long. With that in mind I hope to be able to fish as often as possible.
After I finished some business, I headed to Lincoln beach with my boat after hearing rumors of a walleye bite and maybe northerns present.

I didn't find any northerns but did manage one 5 lb female walleye. Fat fish. I trolled and cast small swim baits. This one fish was the only bite I had. I did see a guy that was wading in front of the warm springs catch another. Water temps were ranging from 39 to 41 degrees, depending on depth.

Bird island is sticking way out of the water. From Lincoln beach it looked so big that a DC3 could land on it. I hope that the water levels rise a long way or it won't be good for next year.

Tomorrow I am heading to Yuba in hopes of a few big northerns to end the season. Should I catch a fish or two I will post the results.
Nice looking fish, congrats....
good looking eye you got there pez

Good looking fish, fat, nice colors for a Utah lake walleye.
hey Steve how deep is the marina now ??
3.5 to 5'. Almost any boat can launch, Chuck, but care must be taken along the shallow shoreline in front of the Orchards.