12-09-2003, 10:51 PM
12-16-2003, 06:02 PM
No but I hope to be soon. A buddy and I are thinking about piching a tent on a frozen lake some where and making and all nighter out of it.
12-16-2003, 11:28 PM
welcome aboard 1redneck. that sounds like fun. i might do that at fishlake utah this year
12-19-2003, 03:16 PM
Hey there 1redneck, Howdy and welcome to BFT. I hope you enjoy this site as many of the members do here. I'm looking forward to reading your fishing reports. I havn't lived in Idaho for a number of years but I do remember the good fishing that I used to do there.
12-22-2003, 10:16 PM
OOOOppps!! Hey there 1redneck, it looks like you forgot to log in on that last post. It takes some time getting used to but is well worth it in the end.
01-12-2004, 03:00 AM
so anyone been out on the ice up north
01-24-2004, 06:25 PM
Up here in the Idaho panhandle conditions are not the greatest, we got thin ice early, then wet snow on top of that,then fluctuating temps, so it is kinda spooky being out there.
01-24-2004, 08:58 PM
interested in fishing for sturgeon with a utah rookie sturgeon fisherman? i am trying to line up a trip this spring and would be great to work with someone here on the idaho board.
02-06-2004, 08:33 PM
Hey Petty-- I used to live in N.E. Wash in a town called Cusick. Its just on the west side of the Pend Orille River, just north of Newport. We used to go to a lake on the idaho side called Bead Lake. It was quite a few years ago so I can't remember what we were catching for sure, but I know it involved a lot of whiskey. Al
02-07-2004, 01:29 PM
I've only been out once in Idaho, & that was back on Christmas eve. I took my daughter up to Crowthers & had a ball. A local told us we were the first ones on the ice. I don't know if that makes us brave or stupid. The ice was clear & about 3" then. It took me over an hour before I could get 5 rods baited & in the water. The fish kept bothering the other rods, so we had to go reel in fish. Don't you hate it when that happens? We fished for about 3 hours & caught close to 60 fish. Nothing big, but my daughter had an absolute ball. I've talked with other guys that have been doing well at Devils just recently. I haven't bought my 2004 license for Idaho yet. With the drought & empty ponds, I'm still debating if I will this year. Did hit Bear Lake on the Utah side, and picked up 1 pup mack, 4 cutts & 2 whites. Pretty slow but a beautiful sunny day.
02-07-2004, 01:52 PM
thanks for the report "biteme" good to hear someone is fishing the idaho ponds
02-10-2004, 06:57 PM
It was nice meeting you last Friday on Bear Lake, after you left the mack action picked up a bit for BLM, but i went home scoreless for the day. I want to hit the gorge sometime soon, i want to plan a trip, or be included on a trip out there!!!! I have never fished it and would like too.
02-16-2004, 03:49 AM
I am replying through fishdude who lives in Logan, but I am his brother and I live in Idaho Falls. The ice In southeast Idaho is great. Palli
es resevoir is fishing well for cutts 14 to 20 inches. We fished Ririe reservoir last weekend and couldn't keep the 10-12 inch Kokanee off our hooks.(Small pink tube jibs tipped with mealies). The best fishing I have had in the last couple of weeks has been on the Snake river in Idaho Falls. South tourist park and Gem lake have been producing 20-24 inch browns and fat rainbows up to 16 inches. Small white tube jigs and jigging raps work best. We are fishing Bear lake tomorrow and hoping for a big mac.

02-16-2004, 10:51 PM
I haven't been on Idaho's board for awhile, so I'm just getting back to replying. I had a good time with you & BLM at the Bear. I knew as soon as we left the fishing would pick up. I was hoping to get Clark at least one fish, & he finally caught about a 7" whitefish. Did you hear what BLM did to himself? I'll let him tell you, but he had a small accident with a fillet knife. The Gorge is tough to figure out. I've been fishing it for 25+ years and still haven't completely figured it out yet. I'm heading up this weekend with my dad & bros., so I'll let you know how it goes. I know BLM was talking about going up in March, maybe we can hhok-up then. Have a good one.
03-18-2006, 10:38 PM
hope you put pontoons on the bottom of your tent. benn a long time since we've heard from ya, hope ya didnt fall in.
did you make it out? if so how did you do?
did you make it out? if so how did you do?