This weeks temperatures have me hopeful. Does anyone want to take a stab at what might be fishable by Sunday?
Being my first Utah winter, any help is appreciated!
The only major lakes that are iced up are all uinta mountains, scofield, electric lake, ect. Not to long till all lake will be frozen and maybe some ponds as well xD.
I would just go to scofield or Huntington.
Well I was on the ice on Sunday with my father in law. We hit scofield straight across from the boat ramp in the dam arm. We had 3" of clear ice. We caught 12 cutts all in the slot and they all had some shoulders on em. Had a blast and I'm wanting to go there again this weekend. Going to have to convince my father in law to sneak out again for some more good times on the ice.
Thanks guys,
Scofield is looking better and better.
At this point I think that is your best option, but the cold that's coming in with the storm may give you other options for the week after. Not that they will be any better, but might be closer. If Idaho isn't too far, there are some great lakes with ice up there now like Henry's, and Chesterfield. Good luck, hope you do well. Later J
Electric lake is a deep lake, aside from a small section the lake won't freeze enough to fish for a while. Huntington and Cleveland will be good. Scolfield could be questionable since large sections could only have 2" of ice before the storm and if enough snow piles up on it, it won't freeze much more for a few days. It all depends how much snow sticks to the ice. If a bunch gets piled on it, it will cause it to sink down and the water to seep up turning the bottom layer into slush and you'll have to wait til that slush layer gets close enough to the top of the snow to freeze again. It's possible some of the lakes that freeze the night after the storm might develop 2 or 3 inches by the weekend.
I would bet that mantua will also have safe ice by this weekend. It doesn't take too many nights of temps in the teens to freeze that lake up.
I think that depends on your definition of safe ice. Mantua might have ice by the weekend, but it only formed about 3/4" per night last year with below zero temps. I suspect Mantua will be mid next week before its safe if it stays cold and the wind doesn't keep clearing it. I know they fished it at 1.5" of ice last year but I need double that amount to even start considering a venture. I'm not sure what the water temp is at Mantua now so it might even take longer, but I do expect it to be the next one to cap.
If its started freezing tonight I'll reply as I drive by. But I don't think I'll plan on Mantua for a while yet, others will be much more safe. Later J
Mantua is glass smooth with possibly some small ice islands floating around, couldn't tell if it was ice or riffles. If it stays that calm, it might cap tonight. Later J
thanks for the condition update.
Thanks for the update!
Just for good conversation, what do you guys think about lakes like Pineview, Causey, Rockport, and Deer Creek? If they don't ice over maybe hitting them with the boat for one last hoorah would be best. Regardless, I am fishing some where some how this weekend!
Once you get on the water, assuming you can, you would probably be a little miserable (if it is snowing) but fine. The problem is towing a boat on icy roads and boat ramps that aren't plowed.
You're welcome, man it's cold tonight with that wind and cooler temps I'll be looking for coveralls soon. Later J
I think there is a BFT whitefish bash at Bear Lake this weekend unless conditions cause a punt. That is my last planned boat fest for the year. Hoping the wind doesn't ruin things there. Later J
[cool] The four lakes that you asked about usually aren't good to go until New Years Day, but some years some or all of them are good to go by Christmas Day. Still though, you can usually count on New Years for all of those lakes.
Mantua will freeze in less than a week, as will the marinas and pumphouse area of Utah Lake with this current forecast of very low temps for the next week. Strawberry will have safe ice in Mud Creek Bay probably by this next weekend, and Chicken Creek East a few days after that...
Sure wish all you guys in utha would stay their and quit fishing all the res in idaho
Do you really want to start that old feud? Don't ya know how much more you will get to pay for licenses if we didn't bank roll your fish and game. I know it would be nice to have it all to yourself but there are other people in the world and public lands are public and I'm sure I pay more taxes to support them than you do so how about you share willingly and help stomp out the attitude of leave our fish alone.. PS by the way my wife is from Idaho and most of my fishing trips go along with family visits, which they fish Utah when they visit me, but I don't hear any Utahns belly aching about that. Later J
How do you think the snow has effected the ice?
Dude, you are killing us with your spelling and punctuation.
If you are going to try and insult us at least spell Utah correctly.
P.S. I love Idaho. I am hoping to move up there in the next ten years and buy a small farm so please save some fish for me!
I float tubed deer creek the other day. Fishing was fast trolling real slow with small pop gear and a worm harness. The guys in the boats were moving quit a bit faster then me and I didn't see anyone get anything. I fished the Rainbow Bay area and the fishing was fast. I don't know what they were using but if you can troll slow with a small pop gear and worm you are on the right track. I also failed to see the 5 shore fisherman catch a fish until I left and the one youngest kid snagged a carp at the end that probably went 8 lbs.