Ok, so it is possible I may have made a very bonehead move. [blush] It wasn't intentional, but ignorance is no excuse!
It has raised a question. I do know the difference between a gizzard and threadfin shad, my knowledge of them has come from fishing Powell, however I have never used this bait before. I was at Sportsmans the other day and saw a package of Magic Shad, I didn't buy any because I wasn't in the mood to spend the money, a little spendy I thought. But..... I do not know what they put in the package, gizzard, or threadfin? I did a little searching this morning and just can't find the answer. Their website does not say. I suppose I could buy a package, open it, and see, but hope you all will know.
[#0000FF]Most of the commercially packaged shad bait is threadfin. They stay smaller longer and are easily netted by the thousands. Gizzard shad grow very fast and are only good bait size for a short time. They also stink.
You may just want to save your money anyway. It is illegal to use any kind of shad in Utah...unless it has been packaged commercially for bait use. However, the formaldehyde and other chemicals used in the preparation does not add to the fishy attraction. I do not know anybody who has ever tried packaged shad that has done well with it.
In other states, where shad are found naturally in many lakes, they are usually legal to use and may be fished live...if you can catch them with a cast net. Live shad are killer bait for many species but they also work well when freshly dead...whole, half or cut into pieces and tipping a jig hook.
Threadfin shad may be caught and used (dead) in Lake Powell. But it is illegal to transport them from the lake so they can't be harvested there and brought north to other lakes.
Hey, we all make mistakes, as long as we learn from them is what counts. When I first started seeing those packages of shad in the sporting goods stores, I called the DNR and ask them if they were legal to use, their reply was that, yes they were legal as long as you have the package with you. I can't speak for all the different packages of shad that might be on the market but the ones I bought were Gizzard shad and they were not worth using because as TD said they have so much chemicals in them, the fish won't touch them. You would be better off using chubs or redside shinners that those packages of shad you are talking about.
I have often wondered why the dwr doesn't allow anglers to use shad at Willard like they will at Powell. What's the harm in catching some fresh shad at Willard to fish with at Willard as long as the are immediately killed and then used as bait? Just wondering if you had any further light and knowledge about it.
[#0000FF]I have long had the philosophy that anytime you ask a question that begins with the word "Why" there is not likely to be a good answer. That holds true for people in general and often for Utah fishing regulations.
About the only answer you can get is "Ain't no good reason fer it. Just a matter of policy."
I have been given a variety of "reasons" for the ruling against using the shad as bait...where they reside naturally in Willard. The main concern is that they do not want them to be removed from the lake and taken elsewhere. Too late. They are already thick in the Bear River marshes from downstream migration through the outlet pipe on Willard.
There is justifiably a great concern in Utah about spreading viruses, diseases and invasive species into waters they do not belong. That is valid. But I personally feel that some of the regulations go just a bit too far in the paranoid direction...at the expense of anglers.
There are some laws...such as the restrictions on the use of live bait, corn...and shad...that almost seem designed merely to protect the fishies from evil anglers. Those things are legal in most other states and the fisheries do not seemingly suffer from it.
Now entering Utah. Set watches back 100 years.
Yes, Comrade...
Sorry this is left over from all I the fun earlier today.[

can I reply to TubeDud's post again, since it was removed from this thread?
This thread went from interesting to ... Me thinks you trimmed too much.
[quote PBH]can I reply to TubeDud's post again, since it was removed from this thread?
We would rather you didn't, that is why this thread was split, if you have more comments to make, please make them on the other thread, thanks.
By the way, all your comments from yesterday are still there.
This is making me dizzy[crazy]
[quote cutter4]This is making me dizzy[crazy][/quote]
Ya oughta try reading every post on every thread.[
