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Full Version: As the lakes freeze.
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as the lakes start to freeze up ... I want to express my deep concern about checking the Ice before you venture out. its way to early in the season to say go ahead on the berry or deer creek ect...

Last year we seen photos posted at the Strawberry marina about some guys who fell threw the Ice with his quad runner. Scary to think any of our freinds here on Big Fish falling threw the Ice and not being with us anymore.

Be careful out there and good luck to you all..
[quote Angler_Tom]a
Last year we seen photos posted at the Strawberry marina about some guys who fell threw the Ice with his quad runner. Scary to think any of our freinds here on Big Fish falling threw the Ice ...[/quote]

Cliff?? oh, wait. That was Yuba.

Thanks for the reminder Tom. Lot's of people trying to be the first on the ice. If you're not first, you're last kind of stuff. Sometimes, when you're first it's your last.
i can not wait to ice fish.... but i will for damn sure wait for safe ice!! no fish is worth risking your life over. i will need atleast 4-5 inches before i try to get out. everyone please be safe, be smart, and let the boards know of every outting you get this season! lets get some good stories and great pics!
Thanks for the reminder. a few fell threw at Yuba. I dont remember how serious it was but none the less lets all be careful.
I would like to add that just because there is 6inch ice a few feet from shore don't mean its that way all the way across. Take it from one who has went down twice, once on foot at Otter Creek and once on a wheeler at FG, its the big suck! BTW, yes I still use the wheeler