12-10-2013, 12:10 PM
(Juneau) - The State of Alaska applauds the decision by the National Marine Fisheries Service to not list the ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We concur with the NMFS assessment that the best scientific and commercial data available does not warrant a listing at this time.
This decision begins to bring rationality to the recent misapplication of the ESA that has resulted in the precautionary listing of currently abundant and robust species based on speculated and unproven climate-related impacts over century timeframes. The State of Alaska stands ready to assist the NMFS in defense of this decision should it be challenged.
This decision begins to bring rationality to the recent misapplication of the ESA that has resulted in the precautionary listing of currently abundant and robust species based on speculated and unproven climate-related impacts over century timeframes. The State of Alaska stands ready to assist the NMFS in defense of this decision should it be challenged.