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Full Version: Fish Species You Can Catch- Updated
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Hey there guys,

The following sportfish species can be caught during the rockfish closure extending until March 1, 2004 for southern California.

Barred Surf Perch
Bass, Bay
Bass, Calico
Bass, Sand
Blacksmith Perch
Blue Fin Tuna
Bonito, Pacific
Buttermouth Perch (tubin aaron addition)
Catalina Blue Perch
Dolphinfish (El Nino years)
Halibut, California
Halibut, Pacific
Mackerel, Horseeye
Marlin, Black
Marlin, Blue
Marlin, Striped
Prickleback Monkeyface (sportfish?? ha ha)
Rubberlip Perch (tubin aaron addition)
Sailfish, Pacific
Salmon, various (seasonal)
Sanddab (food fish)
Shark, Blue
Shark, Lepoard
Shark, Mako
Shark, Smoothound
Shark, Thresher
Sole, Petrale (gvanzant addition)
Spotfin Croaker
Steelhead (seasonal)
Tom Cod
Turbot, diamond (gvanzant addition)
White Sea Bass (bag limit varies)
Whitefish (added after court decision)
Yellowfin Croaker
Yellowfin Tuna
Yellowtail, California (tubinjoe addition)
Zebra Perch

If you've caught an additional sportfishing species, please let me know and I'll put it in the list.

you can still target lingcod??? that isn't considered a rockfish??? GREAT! haha

you forgot yellowtail

Awesome Info JR!

Lets here it? How many of these bad boys does everyone think they can catch by March 1st?
[cool]Hey there theangler, Are you hinting that there may be another contest or something??? Just curious there bud.[shocked]

Hey there DH_tubinjoe,

Thanks for the addition. We're always gonna forget a few. I'll add Yellowtail, California. I excluded fish that I didn't really think are 'sportfish' but I'll reconsider that too.



Hi there gvanzant,

Thanks for the input. I put in the petrale sole, diamond turbot, and sanddabs. My real intention was to include just sportfish but sanddabs are caught on sporties aren't they!!

Did you read of my big cabezon (to me) in an earlier post?
brag brag brag!!!!



JapanRon: The reason I mentioned the rock sole is that we get lots of them dragging for halibut in deeper water(100 foot). They are super eating, better than halibut. Also, I spent my younger years dragging ghost shrimp stuck on no.#12 eagle claws for the turbot. The Alamitos Bay turbot are much better tablefare than the Huntington Harbor fish, The Huntington Harbor fish tasted like iodine. They still do. Great job on the Cabezon, you know the one being depleted. Ha! The Long Beach breakwater is so full of them they are a nuisance. So much for the depletion of the species. I don't mean to sound bitter, but I am. I really miss my sculpin.By the way, to me all fish caught are sportfish.
you dont consider yellowtail a sportfish???[crazy][crazy][crazy] YOUR NUTS! haha

Jack smelt, Opal Eye, Blacksmith perch, Forktail perch, Butter mouth perch, rubber lip perch, Flying fish, seniorita fish, and herring!

Aaron G

Hey there DH_tubinjoe,

Thanks for the Rubberlip and Buttermouth Perch additions. I'm still trying to keep it to sportfish rather than just food or 'they exist' fish. Heck if I wanted I could include spearfish, needlefish, Red Fin Perch, Top Smelt, Puffer, rays, and on and on.

Can we count some Bluefin in there, or maybe some Marlin??BajaCalifornia.

Hey there TubeN2,

Yep! They were in my original list from the get go and broken down to ssp's to boot! If I added fish to be caught in Baja that are considered to be sportfish ... not baitfish, trash fish, etc. I'd have a list 100 species long. We have a Mexico board I believe for that list! ha ha

Whoa, I just remembered I might should include Sailfish, Pacific as they are sometimes/rarely caught at Catalina Island, in fact, as recently as a month ago i believe according to a PBer's report.

STRIPPERS, I mean Stripers!![Wink]...


Aaron G
strippers! good one! hey were are like the dekotubers of BFT! haha...kiyo banned him from that site! finally!


[signature] are so lost huh![crazy][crazy][crazy]

the guy on baytubers! DEKO tuber and his "mob"???
ring a bell?

Ya I know who ur talkin about I was going to go tube with him and FOTB

that guy is nuts!

ya cool though
