12-10-2013, 12:14 PM
MADISON - A habitat improvement project on a Lincoln County stream may result in the "incidental taking" of a turtle listed as a state threatened species under a permit the Department of Natural Resources proposes to authorize for the project. Incidental take refers to the unintentional loss of individual endangered or threatened animals or plants that does not put the overall population of the species at risk.
Department of Natural Resources fisheries staff plan an in-stream habitat improvement project on Spring Creek in Lincoln County. The project includes approximately 1,400 feet of stream habitat improvements, including brushing, bank improvements, channel shaping and boulder, rock and woody habitat placement to improve habitat for trout.
The presence of the state threatened wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) has been confirmed in the vicinity of the project site. DNR staff determined that the species is likely present due to the presence of suitable habitat and that the proposed project may result in the incidental taking of some turtles. However, they concluded that the proposed project will minimize the impacts to the species by adhering to conservation measures; is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence and recovery of the state population of this species or the whole plant-animal community of which they are a part; and has benefit to the public health, safety or welfare that justifies the action.
The conservation measures to minimize the adverse effect on the threatened species will be incorporated into the proposed Incidental Take Authorization. Copies of the jeopardy assessment and background information on the wood turtle are available by searching for "incidental take" on the DNR website and clicking on the tab for public notices or upon request from Rori Paloski at 608-264-6040. Public comments will be taken through June 11, 2013 and should be sent to Rori Paloski DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
Media Contact
Rori Paloski, 608-264-6040
Department of Natural Resources fisheries staff plan an in-stream habitat improvement project on Spring Creek in Lincoln County. The project includes approximately 1,400 feet of stream habitat improvements, including brushing, bank improvements, channel shaping and boulder, rock and woody habitat placement to improve habitat for trout.
The presence of the state threatened wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) has been confirmed in the vicinity of the project site. DNR staff determined that the species is likely present due to the presence of suitable habitat and that the proposed project may result in the incidental taking of some turtles. However, they concluded that the proposed project will minimize the impacts to the species by adhering to conservation measures; is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence and recovery of the state population of this species or the whole plant-animal community of which they are a part; and has benefit to the public health, safety or welfare that justifies the action.
The conservation measures to minimize the adverse effect on the threatened species will be incorporated into the proposed Incidental Take Authorization. Copies of the jeopardy assessment and background information on the wood turtle are available by searching for "incidental take" on the DNR website and clicking on the tab for public notices or upon request from Rori Paloski at 608-264-6040. Public comments will be taken through June 11, 2013 and should be sent to Rori Paloski DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
Media Contact
Rori Paloski, 608-264-6040