Fishing Forum

Full Version: jjoey312, Nickajack, Smallmouth, 12/08/13, (Solo)
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Well this isn't so much a fishing report as it's more like a fish report. Put it in at the Riverpark about 10am...fished hard for about 5 hrs & got one quality bite. When I say a bite that's an understatement one of the hardest strikes I can remember. Not only that ...the fish pulled like a tank...very healthy fish.... She was mad when I got her in the boat & mad when I released her at the!....Caught it on a spinnerbait at the end of a blow down sitting in about 15' of water...water temp about 51. I'd say the fish was easily 6 much over that I don't know....I've lost confidence in a set scales reading accurately for any length of time.