Hello BFTers!
I was wondering if anyone knows of someone or somewhere here in northern Utah that will angle and sharpen ice augers? I've done some reading and it doesnt appear that I'm savvy enough...any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks all!
There is a guy in Layton that sharpens blades. He is very reasonable. About $10.00 per set for 8" blades.
His name is Clyde. His is phone number is 801-546-1347
Last year this location was posted;
ive never had much luck with sharpened blades, I usually buy new ones and never have to worry about them working properly.
[quote ChubbyChaser]ive never had much luck with sharpened blades, I usually buy new ones and never have to worry about them working properly.[/quote]
I had a set last me three seasons once. Last year I fished a lot more and punched through 4 inch ice up to 16 inches of ice. I've punched a few holes this month but I'm about to put the new ones on that I bought. It is easier for me to order a new set off of amazon than to drive somewhere to get them sharpened.
I tried to get two sets of blades for my Eskimo auger sharpened by that knife sharpener place in downtown SLC. He never could get the angle right and the blades would barely cut. New blades are the only way to go IMO.
+1 cuttler corner sharpened my 8" hand auger blades and they were worse after they sharpened them then before.
Thanks for all the info everyone. Sounds like new is the way to go.