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Full Version: California Fishing license
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I need to purchase a California fishing license for 2014 for several trips I am planning next year. I have a couple questions so that I buy the correct license.

#1. I am active duty military. Do all AD personnel qualify as residents or just military personnel stationed in California?

#2. I thought I needed to buy a Colorado River stamp for fishing Havasu, but I didn't see that option online when I went to buy the license. It shows up under 2013, but is it still required for 2014?

Thanks and tight lines.
[#008000]Hi Chris,[/#008000]
[#008000]I don't have an answer to your questions, therefor would [/#008000][#008000]suggest that you contact the California Department of Fish & Game. [/#008000]
[ul][li][#008000]Public Information - 909-597-9823[/#008000][/li][li][#008000]License Information - 562-342-7100[/#008000][/li][/ul]
[#008000]Good luck & Happy Holidays[/#008000]