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Full Version: Any Update on Rockport Ice
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I heard about a week ago the Ice was sketchy, pulled away from the shore. Any new Info on the Ice would be appreciated. I need a change of scenery, been fishing Mantua quite a bit..
Its good to go now. It's a good foot thick. And the lows have been zero for the last three clear nights. I know that you are probably an advanced Ice Fisherman so you know what I am saying to look at the edges real good. And not to walk where the pressure crack is. You will be fine there is about 1/2 inch of snow. Good traction. 12-18 feet down for the rainbows. Perch and German Brown are on the bottom in 30-55 feet of water. Good Luck to ya.
Hey Glen, are you talking around the boat ramp or the West side? Us old fat guys like the easy slope at the boat ramp.
Thanks for the Response.
Was there on the 26th. Edges were solid. Fishing was great on the west side by the inlet. Nothing huge, but rainbows non stop. Probably caught 40. Fishing in about 15' of water. Take the kids, they'll have a blast! Any small jig tipped with a wax worm. Enjoy!
I'm sitting on rock port now edges are a little soft but there is no chance to go through I just got wet to the soles on my boots. Entering on the boat ramp
Hey wyoguy sorry for not getting back to you. You can get on over at the boat ramp. If you go just south of it, it is even better. You know how years before it has got that buckle just right by the boat ramp it did that again this year. What happens I believe is the cement on the boat ramp draws in the heat from the sun. And has a tendency to get water on the surface. Good to hear from ya. We will have to put a team together and go searching for them Perch. Over there [Image: bobwink.gif] you know where I am talking about.
was there today. ice a bit soft by the boat ramp edge in the afternoon but wasnt a issue. good ice 10 in did ok with power bait 14ft down in 30 ft water. lake was very busy lots of people all over the lake .
Was out there today for a few hours on the west side about a hundred yards out from shore. Ice was between 9-11 inches on the few holes I drilled. The shore is fine, it just looks deceiving as you approach with a quarter inch of water on the surface. (That was as I was leaving around 2:30) Was able to pull in one decent rainbow, would like to know where these perch are hiding however as I am yet to pull one of those in.
Glen, Sounds like a good idea, Mike has been in contact about going. We should get a trip going.