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In a sense.... Haha, tomorrow I will be taking the wife ice fishing for the first time after shutting down the idea for a few seasons. We will be at browning point at pineview from around 7am to noonish. We will be in a dark blue shappell 6000 hut with the heater blazing for her. Pop in and say hi and we will give a report if interested. This was a big accomplishment in my book so sorry if anyone was looking for a good report, well ask me in person tomorrow!
Congrats on getting your significant other to join you. I know it can be difficult at this time of year.
Haha nice! It was hard to coax my girlfriend to go with me for the first time two seasons ago. We're going Sunday and hopefully she can hook into one so she stays hooked to the sport.
Well we are at Browning point with 9 on the ice, been here a few hours but got in a school and missed a lot, but she's having fun so my plan of getting her hooked is working!
Nice job hope it works better for you than it has for me. Both my wife and daughter have abandoned me as fishing partners. It was fun when they used to go though. Now they prefer the warmth of our home, crazy kids I must have taught them wrong. Later J
Haha that's rough, damn kids these days... I think I'll get her back out pretty easily, she caught a lot and missed a lot.. got plenty for some fish tacos so I'm sure after that meal she will be wanting another crack at them.
Yup fish tacos are almost as good as catching them in the first place. Good job. J
After several years of trying, I finally got my wife out 3 years ago. She has become an ice-a-holic. I mentioned I wanted to go out this weekend while she worked. I was told in no un-certain terms that I was not allowed to go without her. That's okay... I enjoy her company. Makes me Smile after so many years of her telling me to go by myself.
Can't complain about that have fun with it while it lasts. J