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Full Version: Big Laker Caught Twice
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I received these photos with an explanation in an email earlier today from one of my customers from Wyoming who regularly fishes the Gorge. Further evidence that we're all catching the same fish over and over again, year after year, and in this case, month after month! This shows why one person's carefully released fish can make another person's day later on, and we can all keep paying it forward. (I'm guessing it was Fishley's customer who caught it the second time-wasn't mine!) Pretty cool either way.

"I was looking at a guide's Facebook page today and the markings on a fish his client was holding caught my eye. After closer comparison I realized it was the same fish I caught and released two weeks prior to the guide's client catching it!!! I told the guide his client could thank me later [Image: wink.gif] It was released again! (moved about three miles since I released it)"
[inline "Same Fish.jpg"]

[inline "Same Fish close up.jpg"]
Dude thatis freaking awesome!!
That fish might be a fish of a lifetime for some people, so it was a good feeling realizing a fish I had released was enjoyed by another person (who also released it). Pretty cool [cool] Hope it fought as hard for him as it did for me!
That's great to know!!!ive big lakers with tube jigs still hooked in their mouth, but I don't think it was intended to be left in its mouth:/
What a great story! I'm so glad that so many people are trying to preserve this awesome fishery. I always tell my wife there are fish that still haven't seen my boat yet. I caught one last summer about 25# that had a big scar on top of its head that looked like a prop blade took a scallop out of him. I remember wondering if others had stories about him.
Awesome! Great lesson!
Awsome post jim, im glad i hired you to learn how to catch these beutifull fish,!! before Me and my dad went out with you me and my dad would have just hung them on the wall and said another kokanee killer bit the dust. But by going out with you in our mac adventur's we learned how valuable these fish really are and this pic just proves that point! The only problem we have is weve spent around 10kthe since we've been with ya :-) dang fish can consume a man!!!!!
Always nice to see that these fish are taken care of. Love seeing that it was one that had been caught then recaught by someone else and still swimming today.
Great post Jim!