Fishing Forum

Full Version: bricknbass, chick, bass, 1/8/14, taylortime aka matt taylor
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Well. CFP is iced pretty bad. Pulled in to guys there with popped tires and busted rims. Standing there looking at all the ice. And. Low water. Bout to go home. A fellow CFFer. Pulls up. Go talk to him asked if he wanted to go with me if he would help. We would go till dark. So we busted ice for 30 min. And on we went. Found fish in. 25 FOW. Only bites went to a rocky point. Caught a 4 1/2 and a 2. A bunch of short stricks. Matt had a good one on but came off at the boat. All on the rig. 2 to 8 fow. Had fun for a short trip busting ice but it got cold fast.