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This wind and warm can't be good for the ice fishing outlook .
I was thinking the exact same thing for some of my local places here in Twin
Indeed. I may ask for a refund of my winter pass fee. The open water is now very near the private docks.
I don't see that refund happening! [Image: dumb.gif]
Sorry about the ice, but if Idaho and Utah don't start getting lots and lots of rain/snow, spring, summer and fall are going to suck as well.
Drove over to Ririe this morning. Not good, there is more open water than ice. I am personally praying for some cold weather and snow. There is even open water around the dock. Guess we'll see what happens, kind of wish I had brought my spinner rod, I would have just fished for awhile.
And the beat goes on. Still open water at the ramp and past the private dock.
Is the water still really low? There is a rock on the Blacktail side that I want to go mark with the GPS before it rises and covers it again.
I think the Blacktail end is closed to all activities . To protect the winter range .
The gate at the top of the blacktail access is also closed and locked, I don't know that the road is even plowed that far during winter.
I'll have to see when they close the gate and open it again. May just have to wait until next fall, or see if I can find it on the FF.
[fishon] I work for the county, gates open on memorial weekend, close sometime in Oct depends on weather. We also close Lincoln Rd at 115 East which is 2 1/2 miles from blacktail gate on Nov 30 there is no winter maintenance beyond 115 East.
Welcome to BFT. Glad to have someone that works for the county apart of the forum. hopefully from time to time such as this one you will be able to clear up somethings such as that.
Yeah, and good to know, thank you. I'll just wait until fall and get some pics, or maybe some underwater pics this summer

It's a pretty awesome umbrella shaped rock, I think I could lie underneath the edge and stay dry in the rain. I would expect it to be surrounded by fish when the water levels are right. Can't quite figure out which one it is from Google Earth pics, but the ability to look at past years with lower water levels has revealed some interesting structure.

If the county/canal company ever drops it really low make sure they do it when Google updates their images.
When did they change the opening the gates at Blacktail. I know when Ririe opened May 1st the gates where open. Also now that it is open year round the gates have been open in early April.

Those are the Scheduled dates for opening and closer, like I said it depends on the weather.
Still open water at the ramp. Bob the BLM guy said they are catching rainbows off the private dock.

Hopefully this cold snap will harden it.
Well Ririe is being a darn nuisance. I was even willing to get a little aluminum boat in, but then it snows and gets cold while I am here. Guess we'll try again when when come over from Boise in a month or two.