Fishing Forum

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I remember fishing off the jetty as a child. It was part of our annual holiday that my family would take up the coast to Caloundra in Queensland.<br><br>My Aunty had a unit on the beach and there was a small jetty right off the front - perfect for fishing off!<br>I remember my father used to go and buy the bait from the corner shop and then he would get his rod while my brother and I would grab our hand reels and we'd all head off for the jetty. <br><br>I remember my red hand reel so well. There was something very relaxing (even as a six year old!) about sitting on the jetty as it gently rocked in the breeze. Of course I couldn't actually bait the hook myself or do anything like that! I was always way to scared to go too close to that bait, or even the fish for that matter.<br><br>Nevertheless we spent many a morning out on that jetty trying to catch some fish. I don't really remember actually catching anything though - well that is besides toadfish. I caught a few of them and they would blow up their bellies and I would run away, leaving Dad to take care of it!<br><br>Those were the days when I could leave all the hard stuff to my parents!<br><br>I'd love to try fishing again now, just for fun and to relive my memories. Maybe I'll make an effort to visit that jetty again. I might even take my Dad along with me! I'm sure he'd like that.<br><br>by Jolly : Tuesday 19 September, 2000 <br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com