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Haven't posted in a long time so thought I'd add another Yuba story. This is the first time we've been on the ice this year. We were fishing by about 9:30. Things were slow for the first hour or so and then picked up. We ended up with five pike, the biggest being 34 inches. The last fish came as we were packing up so it didn't end up in the group picture with the other fish. This is the best we've done for Pike, thanks to everyone who shared info on this sight. It was a great day.
It looks like yuba treated you good again marylin, that biggest pike really has some girth to it, you must let me know what that pig had in its belly!! Im going to give it a try on monday, pike is on my bucket list! So its a shot in the dark for me but from what ive heard a tube tipped with meat should do the job, so as dead sticking or jigging the most successful? Also what depth of water was the best? And should i set my offerings close to the bottom or suspend? That lake seem's to treat you well, i remember the channel cat you caught their a few years back and that fish was also a beuty:-) im glad you had a good day out on the ice, hopefully i can take one more off my bu bucket list come monday?
good job [Smile] thanks for sharing some people have a problem with people who like to share but i say feed them beans[Smile]
Nice fish man way to go.
Nice report and fish. I have one question. How thick was the ice? With the warm weather how was the edges? Ok that's two questions.[Tongue]
The ice is about 10 inches thick and the edges were fine even when we came off at 3:00. We were fishing in 15 feet and the fish seemed to be on the bottom and would come up to the jig. That said I was using a jig tipped with a piece of perch meat. I always go to the lure I'm the most comfortable with and I seldom use tube jigs. The smaller buckshot jigs seemed to be the ticket. We didn't try dead stick except for the tip up and we didn't catch anything on them. Good luck. we'll avoid the crowds on Monday and maybe go on Tuesday. Only one of the fish had anything in it's stomach and that was a small perch. The middle of the day was the best for us. We do have sonar so could come up to anything that was suspended.