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The wife and I just returned from our hunt in Texas, we had a great time, blue bird weather with temps in the 30's at night and day time highs in low 70's. The food and guides were just great. We hunted a ranch about 35 miles SE of Laredo. We each took a buck and javelina plus a couple meat hogs. I could have shot a huge boar the last evening there but declined as I didn't want one to eat. I've included a few pics. [cool]
Nice bucks..I think your wife's Javelin a is bigger then your's..[sly]
Actually hers weighed 45 lbs. and mine weighed 47, she did kick my butt on both the deer and hogs we killed. [pirate]
Very nice Pete. Congrats to you and the Mrs, on a great hunt and trophys.
Its nice to have the wife beat you some times, just think of the brownie points you made..[Wink]
I'm use to it after 46 years of marriage to the little gal. [Smile]
What outfitter did you use, number or web site?? Some of the places down there are not always that good..
I have hunted down their three times the first was the best then they sold the ranch..
I bought the hunts at an SFW banquet in Evanston last year. Our guide is from the Spanish Fork area and guides for this ranch in the winter months after his hunts are over up here. It is located about 35 miles from Laredo and is owned by Rickie Munoz a famous singer of Mexican music. If you book a hunt with them you will never have a better time. Some of the Primos boys were coming in to hunt a couple days after we left. They had been there earlier in the year with their wives to let them hunt deer and I guess both gals killed good bucks. They do not advertise their hunts, the ranch is a 9000 acre ranch and is called the Good Luck Ranch but pronounced in Spanish. I will try to get in touch with our guide to see if I can get you some info.
Thanks I would like that INFO if you can get it..
I left a voicemail and also a text on the cell phone number he gave me but I haven't heard from him.
I've been on that site but it doesn't say anything about booking hunts. I know E.J. is the manager of the ranch. Both he and Ricky the owner seemed like great people.
looks like you had a great time, congrats on the nice bucks, got some meat in the freezer now for sure....
It was a lot of fun Matt, something checked off our "Bucket List". Hope to see ya in a couple weeks on the ice up your way.[cool]
Congratulations to you and Brenda wife buddy!!! Really nice looking deer. Those Javelina sure do stink, don't they. They don't call them skunk pigs for nothing. Stay away from that scent gland. [crazy]

I killed one when I was 10. First big game animal for me and here it is more than 35 years later and I can still remember that skunky smell and the sound of them popping their teeth.

Looking forward to seeing you on the soft deck this spring.
They do stink alittle when they get excited but after they hit the ground I didn't notice the smell much. We knocked the Texas hunt off our list, I still would like to go on a White Tail hunt in Canada for a big boy, not sure if I can swing that or not they are getting pretty pricey. The wife and I were suppose to be headed up to Cascade this comming week ice fishing but decided to bag it with all the snow they have been getting up there. Dan J. was up there last weekend and he said it was getting pretty rough getting around on an ATV.
I'm thinking there will probably be some soft water in a few more weeks so I'm hoping to be ready for some fishing when that happens. Heard Starvy is mostly open water now.
According to a friend that lives down there it has had open water for a while.