01-19-2014, 06:31 PM
Well the cisco have started running at Bear Lake. There are cisco both at the marina and Cisco Beach, but Cisco Beach has been better with everyone able to dip limits. The lake is open water, but there are some sheets of ice floating around so be careful when boating. Fishing for cutthroat and lake trout has been excellent from boats and even still fishing or casting from shore along Cisco Beach. Anglers are trolling in 45-70' of water off Gus Rich Point and Utah State Park marina. Try jigging using tube jigs tipped with cisco right on the bottom for the trout. You can snag cisco off the rockpile from a boat in about 40-45' of water. Ramps are down to concrete in all locations and launching is easy, however, there are no docks in the water along the east side. Remember, there is NO SHORE LAUNCHING PERMITTED this year outside of the established boat ramps/marina, so come prepared!