I'm headed to the Gorge on Jan 31 and wanted to know if anybody was Interested in coming along with. I will be trying for burbot and then Saturday going after lake trout.
I know the burbot bash is this weekend and there is another rournament next week. I just want to miss the crowds and catch some fish. Pm me or post if interested.
I mite be iinterested how much you think it would cost to go
I'm guessing 50 per person in gas plus the reciprocal tag.
Do you plan to fish from shore or boat?
Welcome to the site Rick. Isn't Lost Dog and the Confluence still frozen?
I know it's frozen to the north I asked because I would be interested in taking my boat up there. My buddy's fished out of Lucerne a week ago yesterday and had Great Lake trout fishing. Thanks for the welcome Kent!
Thanks for the welcome wiper hunter !! Sorry for the kent lol.
I plan on fishing from the ice. Just like if I was doing the burbot bash. The ice may be good at confluence if it is not I will go to firehole.
Good luck on the ice! Weather permitting(wind) I will be on the lake Friday and Saturday.
Thank you you too!!!