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Full Version: Lost Creek 1-18
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I usually don't post much. Before I go fishing I usually check bigfish to see how things are going, so I thought I should give a report on Lost Creek for me. I took my 3 boys, and we were there pretty early. We were the second truck in the parking lot at the dam. I was surprised about the number of people already on the lake. I guess people must be parking in the other spots.

Anyways, we set up in about in about 30 feet of water and waited about an hour. We had one bite so, we moved to about 55 feet. It was still pretty slow, and I was thinking of moving, and my 11 year old hooked up on a fish. So, we stayed there.

The fishing wasn't hot, but we would catch fish in bunches. Then, we'd wait awhile. We ended up catching 16 fish, 12 were in the slot. I didn't see many people catching fish either. In fact there were a couple of guys that kept drilling their holes closer and closer to us. We ended up leaving at 4.
Good job. Lost has been producing some pretty Cutts this year. My biggest so far is a 19". How deep were they?
We fished just off the bottom in 50 feet of water. My son caught the biggest with one that was almost 21. He also caught the fishing pole by the handle just as it was about to go in the hole.
Ha! I did that once but didn't make it in time and ended up with my arm soaked up to my elbow chasing it down the hole!
Very nice. May have been slow, but the memories made will last forever. Thanks for sharing![cool]