01-20-2014, 12:40 AM
Every year I put on an ice fishing clinic for boy scouts in my son's troop. It is a lot of work and it is always a goal of mine for each kid to catch a fish. So this year we were pleasantly surprised when ten scouts showed up for the adventure. After scrambling to get two more licenses for the older boys we finally left for the two hour trip from Rigby; I might mention no boys backed out, but two leaders did at the last minute so we were very crowded in a 4 Runner and F-150. We made it to Little Wood around 11:30 AM Friday and got camp set up and everyone wanted to get to fishing[
] So I put on a bandana and got to my favorite point and started drilling through the 20'' ice pushing 30 holes in a curtain pattern off shore, even with my Jiffy it took awhile. My son and his very good friend both who I take on my trips every week started to teach the boys the principles of setting up, bating etc. We set up 27 rods ranging from 10 feet to 45 feet in depth. Immediately we were getting into fish nothing big, but lots of bites. What was funny it was fun to watch that big of a curtain work over the four hour period, sometimes 45 feet was none stop and then 10 feet would go nuts, but never really all at once.
We fished the next morning for 1.5 hours with six people, but it was quite a bit slower. From 2:00 to 5:30 PM saw the best action. In the end the boys caught 36 bows and 6 brookies; we kept 22 so that they would have their evening meal on their next campout. Every boy caught a fish and for one it was his first fish ever; I thought I was going to see him puke when he gutting it[
] It very well could be his only fish he will catch his entire life, as he has been assimilated by everything electronic[mad] There were great surprises, however, I had one kid who weighs sixty pounds wet who just moved in from Las Vegas about a year ago, he loved it and caught seven. He also found out that I was serious that shore ice was considerably thinner in a reservoir who is taking in water. Wet leg and all he still
d and loved every minute of it.
We did not make it back till 8:00PM last night, as we stopped and swam in a wild hot springs and then went to Craters of the Moon for a 4.5 mile hike to Devils Orchard; I love winter light at this place, simply magical. This morning at church three of them showed up on time, three were late and four did not make it. All the parents told me how tired, yet very happy they all were. I will add this my son's troop is very active and it reminds you of a 1950s Norman Rockwell painting. If you ever get a chance to go out or lead an adventure like this please do so!!! You will really know how your own kid is in everyday life and it will refresh your own memories of being a kid!
One last fishing note: Fish with small 1/32 to 1/64 oz chartruce or pink jigs. They are hitting small offerings. If you have electronics this will also help.

We fished the next morning for 1.5 hours with six people, but it was quite a bit slower. From 2:00 to 5:30 PM saw the best action. In the end the boys caught 36 bows and 6 brookies; we kept 22 so that they would have their evening meal on their next campout. Every boy caught a fish and for one it was his first fish ever; I thought I was going to see him puke when he gutting it[

We did not make it back till 8:00PM last night, as we stopped and swam in a wild hot springs and then went to Craters of the Moon for a 4.5 mile hike to Devils Orchard; I love winter light at this place, simply magical. This morning at church three of them showed up on time, three were late and four did not make it. All the parents told me how tired, yet very happy they all were. I will add this my son's troop is very active and it reminds you of a 1950s Norman Rockwell painting. If you ever get a chance to go out or lead an adventure like this please do so!!! You will really know how your own kid is in everyday life and it will refresh your own memories of being a kid!
One last fishing note: Fish with small 1/32 to 1/64 oz chartruce or pink jigs. They are hitting small offerings. If you have electronics this will also help.